Elect. Scien. J. of Yoga: v.1. 2016



Ramai Pandita Das (Rega, RMS)  – BBiomedSc, MSc (UERJ/USP)
Margareth Costa Neves - BSc, MSc (UFF)

Abstract - The cancer is a disease that afflicts more and more individuals in humanity and is therefore considered of great importance for medical and hospital industry that every year invests more resources in research that vision a cure or a more definitive treatment.. The purpose of this review article is to establish a Vedic hypothesis for this disease.
Key words - cancer, disease, vedas.

Resumo - O câncer é uma doença que aflige cada vez mais indivíduos na humanidade e é por isso, considerada de grande importância para indústria médico-hospitalar que a cada ano investe mais recursos nas pesquisas que visão sua cura ou um tratamento mais definitivo. O objetivo deste artigo de revisão é estabelecer uma hipótese védica para essa doença.
Palavras chaves - cancer, doença, vedas.

THE CHROMOSOMES - In human somatic cells are found 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each chromosome has a long strand of DNA constituted by about 20 to 25 thousand genes, which represent the functional piece of DNA. Of these, 22 pairs are similar in both sexes and are called autosomes. The remaining pair comprises the sex chromosomes. (Figure 1)

APOPTOSIS - known as "programmed cell death" or not followed by cell death autolysis is a type of "cellular self-destruction" that occurs in an orderly manner unlike necrosis Apoptosis is related to the maintenance of homeostasis and the regulation of physiological size. tissues, but can also be caused by a pathological stimuli (such as cellular DNA damage). The term apoptosis is derived from the Greek, which refers to the fall of leaves in autumn, an example of physiologic and appropriate also programmed death implies renewal. In cancer cells this mechanism is not triggered and the cell begins to undergo uncontrolled mitotic divisions thus making them " undying". These " undying " cells to proliferate compromise the functioning of the organs which leads the patient to death. The genetic mechanisms involved in cancer are complex and are linked to several factors such as environmental, emotional, physical (radiation) and to karmic. What will be discussed below. (Figure 2)

ERAS VEDICThe Vedic system of the four yugas presents the duration of ages as 4, 3, 2 and 1 times an interval 432,000 years. This means that the first age, Satya-yuga lasts 1,728,000 years; the second, Treta-yuga lasts 1,296,000 million years; the third, Dvapara-yuga lasts 864,000 years, while the current Age of Iron, Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years. Obviously, this system has little affinity with our current theories of human history.
The Vedic version contradicts our current conceptions of not only human antiquity, but also on human longevity. At the height of the times, in Satya-yuga, the duration of life is seen as being 100,000 years. Then, it is ten times less over each successive ages. Thus, the next was the duration of life becomes 10,000 years ago. The next, it becomes 1000. Finally, in this age, Kali-yuga, it is stated that the maximum age is 100 years, reducing to 50 near the end.

Table 1- Vedic ages and time of human life:
-Satya Yuga - 1.728.000 anos  (100.000 years)
-Tretâ Yuga  - 1.296.000 anos (10.000 years)
-Dwapara Yuga - 864.000 anos  (1.000 years)
-Kali Yuga - 432.000 anos (100 years)

GENOME AND LIFE TIME - In biology, the genome is the whole hereditary information of an organism that is encoded in your DNA. This includes both the genes and non-coding sequences which are very important for gene regulation. The genome can get information about the evolutionary line of bodies and to develop new methods of diagnosis and treat certain diseases. A variety of evidence indicates that aging and longevity are subject to gene regulation, but only in the last decade the identity of these genes has begun to unravel. (Figure 3)
Among the thousands of genes there are some so small they pass from generation to generation without changes, these genes hold information about the time of human life of the Vedic ages, but are turned off so that we can establish the optimal duration of human life to kali -yuga. For some external or internal factor or even karmic, these genes operate again becoming a "deadly" cell in an "undying" cell in the body established when they begin to destroy.

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2.Feingold J. A Genética Médica. Editora: Loyola. SP.
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Figure 1. Diagram of the Vedic ages

Figure 3. Formation of chromosomes in somatic cells

Figure 2. Top image - normal cell. Lower image - cancer cell.


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